Monday, February 18, 2013

Sen nekas ne rakstīts ne domāts

Ir kāds paliels laiks pagājis ka kautko esmu rakstījusi, bet nav bijis ne laika, ne īsta gribēšana, ne īsti varēšana.Būt grūtniecei un mammai 2,5 gadniekam, tas prasa mazliet piepūles un mazliet enerģijas, kur vēl runājot par sievu vīram, vienmēr jabūt savos augstumos gan virtuvē, gan ārpus mājas gan vē visur citur.Tad aicinājums baznīcā, un tā viss pa lēnām, pa maziem solīšim un tu nepamani kā laiks jau ir aizskrējis, un aiz loga koki jau nomainījuši četras fāzes savā dzīvē.
   kā mums gājis no tā laika līdz šim, nu varu teikt tā , jautri, neskaitot jaunu dzīvību iemiesojoties manā ķermenī, mans 2gadnieka gaitas dārziņā, nopirkām zemi lai beidzot svu būdu uzceltu uz tās, kur vecumdienās ar tēju krūzi sēdētu priekša lievenim un iemalkotu, līz gripas salimšanai, un bērnu neklausīšanai, nu vot šeit ir ir mana dzīve:

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The felling inside...

Today i understand how one little mistake can destroy everything, and oh  men, it hurts after words a lot.Crazy, but you understand that after words when is too late, and seems like where was my brains.Sometimes i feel i own something to the world.i wish i could just wake up on morning and start everything from new.I have questions to myself if there will be ever times when you don't need to think about life, how to survive or even how to breath.I just want to share with this song which i listen tonight millions time and i had this feeling it talking about me and that i need to change something right now and not tomorrow or maybe even next week or sometimes soon, need to start to live and change right now and and this moment..But here is the song i want to share with the world tonight...

i just love this song...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Time to write something...

so, long time till i told the world how lucky and happy i am having a wonderful family and amazing smart little son, who makes my day so so bright everyday.He is already 15 month old and he is walking and making troubles all around...crazy , but i love that, my life is never, my husband, as usual busy at church and work and all other stuff, but he still finds time for a family that is reason why i love him, he just now how to make me happy and special...but nu here he is...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Happy New Year!!!!

Yesterday we had great opportunity to celebrate Chine's new year with our dear friend Liusi and her amazing talanted daugther.we had so much food and guess what it is amazing food, i just love the salads they make, and all there traditions, it is so amazing how many cultures have there own tradtion...the most of the time we ate, my husband just love it that part, give him food and he is the most happy she have amazing little dog, and Lukas just love the dog, he was so happy all the time the dog came closer to him...but funny was that the dog was afraid from Luki...

Thanks Liusi for amazing evening....

The beggining of all things...

i ever wonder why people write blog, and till now i never really understand it, but right now i kinda got answer of it.Having busy family life you never have time to stop by computer and write long emails to your friends or even time flies and you dont even remeber what really know about your life(it is kinda cool, because when you meet you have a lot to tell), but from other side,oh you never will now...
  So, for my exeperience why i am start writing blog is because people ask me how is Lukas, it is my baby is Donatas it is my husband, so and than they finally comes till how are you? So to answer everyone those question is a lot  time to take out from  daly plan...
So, ill start everything from begining...So here is my family, Me my Husband Donatas and my little one, the miracle and the angel from heaven Lukas, if he would only know how much i love him...So, we are married already two years, so ww got married 13 of December 2008, it was cold sunny day, i think the best one...
To get married, i think it was the best decision i made in my life, it is not easy life at all, but there comes many many blessings...

 After a little while, our little angel wanted to join our family, i was carrying around for 9 month the most amzing and gerous angel, God trust me so much him.i just love my little one, and that is the most whuy i start writting a blog, to share with my dear friends and family those wonderfull moment i got to see everytday.My little one was born on 3 of July 2010, it was crazy hot day, but one of the wonderful day of my life...
 Now Lukas is already seven month, big boy uhh, now start the reall fun having kid at home....

for today that all, till tomorrow dear friend.....